Naked Cleaner Services

Our Services
What our freelance team does
At Naked Cleaners “FOR YOU”, we offer naked cleaning and nude maid housekeeping, and “light” domestic cleaning services for houses and flats in all cities and towns of the United Kingdom.
Our team arrive in an understated, toned down attire to not draw any attention.
It costs £33 to subscribe to our TalentHub to be able to schedule and book naked cleaners easily through our online advanced platform that we term our TalentHub.
The way it works is that you must subscribe to then be sent a formal invitation email which includes an Invitation Code, to access our Talent Hub. Continue below to see the service offerings.
You can learn more about how it works here, to understand in more detail how booking our nude cleaners works.
Our naked maids offer 4 kinds of service and attire to clean in
- Mature, or maid outfit. This is a clothed offering, leaving something to the imagination.
- Tight Outfit / Sexy Gym Gear
- Topless
- Fully naked
Services, FAQs and Rules
The primary services our naked cleaners offer include the tasks listed below. We request that before booking, you review “Our Rules / FAQ’s” page here to gain an understanding of what a naked cleaning and nude maid / housekeeper service is.
Below are some of the naked cleaning and nude maid service offerings we are able to provide as part of our service;
- Regular or one-time cleaning.
- Kitchen wipe down / light cleaning.
- Vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and drying floors.
- Dusting furniture.
- Vacuuming carpets and rugs.
- Cleaning windows and mirrors.
- Light cleaning and disinfecting bathrooms, toilets, baths, and showers.
- Cleaning appliances.
- Dish washing.
- Laundry washing and folding.
- Ironing (please check skill level with your cleaner).
- Cooking (please check what skill level with your cleaner).
- Garden maintenance (within reason)
- NOTE: No ovens sorry (our cleaners do not clean ovens)
See our subscription / booking process here to learn about how to subscribe to enter our Talent Hub and book service providers for free (but of course you have to pay the service provider, the hourly rate as each enter into their naked cleaning listing).
Once you join by paying the £33 subscription fee, you will be sent an Invitation Code, allowing you to create an account (and profile) on our TalentHub. You will then be able to freely communicate with any of our team.
Main Office
San Francisco, CA
20 Reynolds Neck Str-50121
Make a Call
+1 2345 678
Mon - Sat: 09am - 08pm